14 Day Killer Core Program

A 14 day series to help sculpt and strengthen your core!  Correctly working your core muscles (those abdominal and booty muscles) will not only give you that tone that you are looking for, but is essential for proper movement patterns and to prevent injury in everything else that you do!

Use this series in a way that works best for you.  That could mean following each day as provided alternating between abdominal and glute workouts for the 14 days, or doing one abdominal and one glute video each day repeating for 2 weeks.  Either way, these short but killer videos will be the perfect addition to your daily workouts or act as a building block in achieving further goals.   

No equipment needed.  Just you, your mat, and a desire to feel the burn one day at a time!! 

Rae xo

Sign Up Today!

Join a 14 day series to help sculpt and strengthen your core! 

*Expires after 60 days.